Monday, October 28, 2013

MOHAMMED ALI's Jicho Pevu Documentary Could Be Used As Recruitment Tool For AL SHABAAB-Expert

Jicho Pevu documentary that exposed KDF officers looting continues to draw different reactions with President Uhuru terming it unpatriotic. The latest into the vibe comes from a political strategist in Kenya.

MakOdingo an Expert on politics of conflicts in Kenya has faulted Mohammed Ali's work,"Of what benefit was that clip of KDF looting, other than being a perfect recruitment video for AlShaabab??" Says the expert.

"We did NOT need to see that clip of KDF looting! A Nation must NEVER subject it's military to ridicule!" He continues

"If U believe in the Bible, you shouldn't have a problem with KDF looting in Westgate - the armies of the Lord were ordered to loot by God!" He concludes.

The statement comes at a time when clips of Jicho Pevu showing the murders of slain Sheikhs were found by the police in the possession of radical clergy in Mombasa suspected to be agents recruiting Kenyans into joining jihad in Somalia.

The video which can be found on YouTube as well under ashaabul kahf  channel is being used to incite young muslims into joining Jihadi.

Do you support the notion that the military was ridiculed and should never be and also could the Jicho Pevu clip be used as Al shabaab recruitment tool?

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