Monday, October 28, 2013

US Drone Strike In Somalia Kills Key Al Shabaab Leader

After the unsuccessful attack by the Seal at the Shabab's safe in Somalia coast earlier in the wake of Westgate attack that left one militant dead,the US has striked again.

On Monday a drone strike targeting key Al Shabab leader has been successfully executed. According to Associated Press,US officials have confirmed their involvement in the strike.

Targeted in the strike was Ibrahim Ali Abdi also known as "Adeer Ali" and was was killed in the attack along with a second person.

Sources talking to VOA says the vehicle carrying "Adeer Ali" was hit by three missiles near the town of Jilib, 120km north of Kismayo.

The killed militant,Ibrahim Ali Abdi is said to be head of Al-Shabab's Istishhad Missions (Suicide attacks),recruiting martyrs and ensuring execution of the missions. This is one of the coordinated efforts by US to counter terrorism in the region especially after the deadly Westgate attack. Safe to say US remains the big brother always watching?
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