Friday, November 1, 2013

PHOTOS: Governor Alfred Mutua In A Meeting With Owner Of The World's Tallest Building In Dubai

Machakos governor Alfred Mutua is the most hardworking in Kenya and is more determined to make his county the epic centre in Africa not only the world. Currently,he is in Dubai meeting with a major investor Mr. Mohamed Alabbar for the Machakos New City & Investment. Mr. Mohammed Alabbar is the chairman of Emaar, the company that built Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world. The meeting is being held at the highest office in the world; 152nd floor, inside the Burj Khalifa building. The building stands at almost 900m up the sky,with more than 160 storeys. This is the tallest in the world. He could probably be planning to erect same or that range of skyscraper in Machakos,better watch out guys Mutua guy is more determined than ever. Here is the photo of Mutua and the chairman,152nd floor,Time Towers is the tallest building in Kenya standing at only 80m and 38 storeys/floors so you can imagine how 152nd Floor high that is.


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