Tuesday, November 5, 2013

RAILA Offers To Reconcile East Africa Community And Work With UHURU Kenyatta

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has offered a hand to help bring into an amicable conclusion the EAC controversy that has seen Tanzania threaten to pull out of the community.

As a crisis management strategy,he has appealed with Uhuru,Museveni,Kikwete and Kagame to appoint a panel of statesmen from respective countries to chip in and resolve the hardline issues.

" I am ready and willing to aid in the resolution of any differences hampering the smooth workings of the East African Community. This is important regional body is pivotal to the economic, social and political development of East Africans and indeed Africa at large." Said Raila.

As a surety,Raila affirms to take position should Uhuru appoint him as the Kenya statesman representative to the panel that would ensure a unified East Africa Community and smooth flow of trade and Co existence.

Is Raila the most suitable Statesman in Kenya.
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