Thursday, October 24, 2013

MOHAMMED ALI Responds To The Al Shabaab Linkage

For better part of Thursday the KTN's investigative chief and Jicho Pevu's Mohammed Ali has been centre of focus with accusations of being an Al Shabaab sympathiser and spokesman being labelled against him.

Whereby the writer gave justifications allegedly tying the journalist to the terrorist group the accused has laughed it off.

In response to the allegations,Ali says," Walipwa shilingi mbili kuniita alshabab. Tuone basi watakulipa mpaka lini. Hamna urafiki utatumiwa ukijaribu kuziba shimo la panya kwa mkate" [you get paid two shillings to tarnish my name,calling me alshabaab,let's wait and see for how long they'll continue paying you.]

Moha with his investigative instincts seems to know who the person accusing of being Al Shabaab is,he hints that it's a friend though he doesn't quote his name.

The writer identifies himself as Gordon Opiyo but Jicho Pevu star says the name is a fake "... his name is not Gordon. Thats a pseudo name"

In a nutshell,Moha sees a government hand in the developments. This comes at a time when the IG Kimaiyo threatened to arrest both Moha and Allan Namu for showing CCTV footage showing KDF looting terming it lack of patriotism.

In response Mohammed Ali says "being patriot to me is being truthful. The truth shall always set u free"

Who do you think is the propagandist employed to tarnish Moha's name as he alleges.

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