Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Catholic Cleric "Bishop Bling" Extravagant Lifestyle Lives In A Sh.3.5B Home Suspended

Limburg Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst a German based Catholic bishop has been in the media limelight over his luxury lifestyle which earned him the title "bishop of bling" The 53-year-old bishop lives in a €31M[approx sh.3.5B] luxury home with a $20,000 bathtub and marble floor amongst other luxury features. He is also said to only fly on first class flights and the most that made media uproar was a flight to India for hunger victims and used a first class instead of economy class. The bishop is also said to have presided over a homosexual marriage which is against the Catholic doctrine. Whilst the followers are suffering the bishop has been living good. He however has been suspended by pope Francis.


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