Saturday, December 7, 2013

RUTO Is Frustrated And A Man Under Siege In JUBILEE Government,Kalenjins Cries Foul

All that glitters is not gold said one wise man,the jubilee titanic seem to have hit the rock and things about to get berserk. Weeks back Kericho senator sparked a debate demanding certain statehouse officers alleged to have role played in fixing Ruto at the ICC be expelled. What followed were rumours that the government is under a rift.

In a quick redemption move,Ruto trashed the claims affirming that URP was standing its ground and jubilee government is united. His powers have been cleverly reduced with President chief of staff and head of civil service Kinyua taking a big chunk off his powers.

Many critics have argued that Ruto is an idle man following the president in all functions since his office supposedly has nothing to do. As the debate and talking continues,Nandi Hills MP and a close confidant in URP Mr Alfred Keter seems to have detonated the bomb in jubilee government.

He argues that the Kalenjin community who largely voted for the jubilee government and ensuring the rise to power are uneasy and feeling shortchanged. "The Deputy President is unsettled by the state of affairs in the Jubilee government but is being blackmailed.Things are not working out as expected, our people were told this is a 50-50 power sharing plan,” said Hon. Keter in an interview with DN.

Hon. Alfred Keter continues to give state on the ground and even blows the bubble Ruto has been trying to cover up,"The Kalenjin nation is getting increasingly impatient in Jubilee and the ongoing cover up would not last for long" Said hon.Keter.

"These things are discussed but Ruto fears talking about this matter in public. He fears ridicule from ODM and Cord supporters” revealed Keter.

In a disguised Ruto voice,The MP goes ahead to state URPs and Kalenjins position,”We in Urp want to appeal to our TNA colleagues to understand that we love Jubilee but they must treat us with respect otherwise.... I am very bitter about this Jubilee nonsense"

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