Friday, November 1, 2013

UNSC "Verdict" Is Out,Amb.AMINA Embarrasses Kenyans And Blows It For UHURU

The ICC earlier in the week reprieved president Uhuru Kenyatta by having the opening of his case at the Hague moved from November to February next year. UN Security Council also held their meeting to hear into the Kenya plea for deferral.

The lobby for Kenya deferral was being headlined by former UN ambassador and now cabinet secretary for foreign policies Amina together with AU officials who sat for the meeting with UNSC to convince for Kenya cases to be differed till the accused leave office.

However,its emerging that the big body might have crashed the hopes after Amb.Amina and AU failed to convince them for excusal of Uhuru,Ruto and other accused African leaders.

According to Makau Mutua,human rights activist,his sources incredibly informs him that the minister and AU failed to convince UNSC terribly by giving a flimsy justification.

"@makaumutua: Incredibly, Kenya Foreign Secretary Amina Mohamed told UNSC yesterday Kenya joined ICC because of Art. 16 which allows deferral. Kenya and AU yesterday FAILED to convince UNSC Art. 16 should be invoked to defer Kenyatta and Ruto ICC cases.  Deferral doomed."

Kenya initially joined the ICC as a measure of fighting impunity but Amina Mohamed has a different reservation.

Makau Mutua also took the opportunity to slam at her,"Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed WAS once a person of integrity.  Now a Kenyatta shill and rabid ICC opponent.  Power corrupts."

If the UNSC fails to differ the cases then they'll go ahead as scheduled and both heads stand before the  dock.

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