Wednesday, November 6, 2013


According to Kenya gazette notice of 24th Oct,the president revoked Mututho's appointment as the Charmain of NACADA this after it was established that his appointment was faced with irregularities.

His appointment was made on September 17 and during his first meeting on 20th same month,serious questions were asked poking into irregularities.

Members requested to know whether the Chairman’s appointment had been cleared by
Parliament as required by the National Authority for the Campaign against Alcohol and
Drug Abuse Act, 2012 section 6 (1 a),”

However Mutotho didn't undergo the due process prompting the president to terminate his five year contract.

The revocation comes at a time when Mutotho had vowed to crack the whip on the industry especially on the alcohol,miraa businesses,also the association of bar owners had threatened to move to the court with intentions of nullifying his appointment.

The news of his dismissal serves as a reprieve to the bar owners who have been held by the waist with Mutotho's laws

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