Friday, November 29, 2013

Comedian Smart Joker Dropped Like A Hot Metal

After a photo showing Smart Joker and one socialite Angel Maggy going viral and speculations taking rife that the two are an item,the latter has come out distancing herself and denying ever been there such a thing between the two.

While making the admission and clarification to NE,Maggy disowned the comedian saying,"I am not in relationship with him or any other celebrity,we only happened to work together on a video with Ogopa DJs and that's how we ended up taking those photos"

She goes ahead to put the blame on fame,"when you are a beautiful video vixen like me,stories run around all the time" Asked wether it would be possible for him to date the comedian,"he is simply not my type" concludes Maggy.

Looks like the smart joker needs to get more smarter and get more smarter catches if you catch the drift.

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