Monday, October 7, 2013

Thugs In MAJENGO Tries To Hold Five HOSTAGES,Police Rescues And Kills One

Police last night rescued three underage women and two men held hostage by five suspected
robbers at a house in Majengo slums in Nairobi.

The Administration Police (AP) at
Kamukunji District Commissioners’s office got a tip off from the public in Shauri Moyo on the premises where the hostages were being held and immediately swung into action.

“One of the suspected robbers who threatened the police with a toy gun was shot dead,” said one officer.

Four mobile phones and a toy gun were recovered from the slain man while two of the robbers escaped unharmed and two others

Mr. Kibui,Nairobi's PPC said that since the Westgate attack,robbers have been holding their victims hostage to torment them and scare the public.

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