Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Government Gives 3 MILLION Condoms To MURANGA Farmers

The government through Ministry of Health has distributed more
than three million condoms in Murang’a county following the payment of the annual tea bonus.

This also comes at a time when prostitutes across the country migrate to the country to claim part of the bonuses by selling out their services.

"wazee hawana kazi ngumu,unampapasa kidogo,unampa then ashachoka lakini pesa unapewa kama maji[the old farmers have less demands,you just pamper him a little,does his thing real quick and leaves you with extra bucks]" one confessed prostitute tells NE.

Shortage of prostitutes have been recorded in Nairobi,the 3 million condoms in Muranga would explain their area of concentration.

Murang’a county public health officer Paul Kamau said the condoms are to encourage safe
sex among farmers following an influx of sex workers out for a share of the tea windfall.

The condoms have been distributed to lodging houses, bars, restaurants and public
toilets for easy access.

The lodgings in the areas are said to be fully booked and the "economy" runs 24/7

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