Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A journey of a 1000 miles starts with a step. Chloe Odongo a Kenyan cum US citizen like many Americans had drastically grown tra big size and despite her then young age,she looked aged.

Not happy with her state,she hit the treadmill to shed off the extra baggage and get her sexy back. In the photo above,a contrast of her now and 13 years ago is seen and is without doubt unbelievable.

With determination and consistency,she has managed to battle the weight issue and someone who looked unattractive and bulky 13 years back with probably no one of the opposite sex looking at her now breaks necks when she passes by.

The transformation is like a Nigerian ghost movie,unbelievable but she did it. Her success story is now being used to motivate other people who are battling weight issues. Obesity in America is a reality and the government spending a lot to curb the menace that affects nearly every household in the states.

Kenyan Lady In America Inspires Many With Her Success Against Overweight Battle

A journey of a 1000 miles starts with a step. Chloe Odongo a Kenyan cum US citizen like many Americans had drastically grown tra big size and despite her then young age,she looked aged.

Not happy with her state,she hit the treadmill to shed off the extra baggage and get her sexy back. In the photo above,a contrast of her now and 13 years ago is seen and is without doubt unbelievable.

With determination and consistency,she has managed to battle the weight issue and someone who looked unattractive and bulky 13 years back with probably no one of the opposite sex looking at her now breaks necks when she passes by.

The transformation is like a Nigerian ghost movie,unbelievable but she did it. Her success story is now being used to motivate other people who are battling weight issues. Obesity in America is a reality and the government spending a lot to curb the menace that affects nearly every household in the states.

John Kiptoo a human rights activist is a man now living in fear after he was attacked by a group of men in Eastleigh when he was making his way home. He alleges that he might have been targeted on the suspicions that he is an ICC witness.

Kiptoo narrated his ordeal in a Facebook post:

" AM NOT AN ICC WITNESS PLEASE SPARE MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ladies and gentlemen, comrades and friends yesternite at around 10: 30PM i was brutally attacked at Kamus Eastleigh Section 3 as i was heading to my home in Kamus. While walking somebody called my name from behind and when i tried to look back i only saw three men and that was the end of me.

I was hit tactfully below the diaphragm and severally on the face and i landed in a rubbish ditch unconsciously. I heard them ransack through my pockets and asking questions related to ICC. They took my phone, flash disk and wallet and keys to my house. Later at around 3AM when i recollected myself taxi men around told me of three people who walked past the stage and towards where i stay. When i got to my house the house was open and ransacked but nothing was taken from it! Strange indeed!They checked through files and documents in the house and left the house open!I can now confirm after reporting at Eastleigh Section Three Police Post THAT THIS PEOPLE THOUGHT I WAS DEAD.They were highly trained and lethal because for just less than five minutes they had made me unconscious!

I now fear over my life but would wish to once again say i have nothing to do with ICC. Many people including prominent people have lost their lives over this ICC issue and i wish to plead with anybody with bad intend that am not in anyway whatsoever linked to ICC process i was only mentioned severally as having worked for PNU in 2007 BUT i got nothing to do with ICC

During the day, i did meet Mr. Patridge Mutiso of Konrad, Mr. John Abok-member BLM and Mr. Josphat Waema-member BLM at Clarion Hotel to discuss and organize a forth coming meeting. I shall stand strong and i will not fear!"

Human Rights Activist Attacked By Thugs He Says Suspected Him Of Being ICC Witness

John Kiptoo a human rights activist is a man now living in fear after he was attacked by a group of men in Eastleigh when he was making his way home. He alleges that he might have been targeted on the suspicions that he is an ICC witness.

Kiptoo narrated his ordeal in a Facebook post:

" AM NOT AN ICC WITNESS PLEASE SPARE MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ladies and gentlemen, comrades and friends yesternite at around 10: 30PM i was brutally attacked at Kamus Eastleigh Section 3 as i was heading to my home in Kamus. While walking somebody called my name from behind and when i tried to look back i only saw three men and that was the end of me.

I was hit tactfully below the diaphragm and severally on the face and i landed in a rubbish ditch unconsciously. I heard them ransack through my pockets and asking questions related to ICC. They took my phone, flash disk and wallet and keys to my house. Later at around 3AM when i recollected myself taxi men around told me of three people who walked past the stage and towards where i stay. When i got to my house the house was open and ransacked but nothing was taken from it! Strange indeed!They checked through files and documents in the house and left the house open!I can now confirm after reporting at Eastleigh Section Three Police Post THAT THIS PEOPLE THOUGHT I WAS DEAD.They were highly trained and lethal because for just less than five minutes they had made me unconscious!

I now fear over my life but would wish to once again say i have nothing to do with ICC. Many people including prominent people have lost their lives over this ICC issue and i wish to plead with anybody with bad intend that am not in anyway whatsoever linked to ICC process i was only mentioned severally as having worked for PNU in 2007 BUT i got nothing to do with ICC

During the day, i did meet Mr. Patridge Mutiso of Konrad, Mr. John Abok-member BLM and Mr. Josphat Waema-member BLM at Clarion Hotel to discuss and organize a forth coming meeting. I shall stand strong and i will not fear!"

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Vera Sidika boasts of having the most voluptuous figure in Kenya with her booty being a trending topic. Blatantly,her booty is her trademark. Wherever she goes necks break and she even has a name for the behind "Tanye West".

Many people especially her friends from the past since her upbringing days in Mombasa,have more than once said that she used some hips enhancers as well as bleaching herself to look more light. However,these allegations can be as well taken as jealous friends who can't stand her present success and determined to ridicule her as much as they can.

A Facebook page Vee The Fake Kim K Wannabe allegedly opened by one of Vee friends who tells NE that they used to be prostitutes together before quiting to join more lucrative "business". The admin of the page says her main intention is to tell the world that Vera is a pretender and fooling the world. She insists that Vee used injections and bleaching agents something she refers to as "carolyte"

Vee who is a fine art student at Kenyatta University and 21 years of age as she puts it,has more than once rubbished off the allegations that she used any form of enhancements and that she is all natural.

Photos availed to Nairobi Exposed supposedly used to profile Vera during her days at a city massage parlor,Nairobi Secrets Parlor shows a rather thinner and darker version of Vee. Check out the photos below and judge

What are your thoughts on this

Shocking Photos Of VERA SIDIKA When She Used To Work At Massage Parlor And After

Vera Sidika boasts of having the most voluptuous figure in Kenya with her booty being a trending topic. Blatantly,her booty is her trademark. Wherever she goes necks break and she even has a name for the behind "Tanye West".

Many people especially her friends from the past since her upbringing days in Mombasa,have more than once said that she used some hips enhancers as well as bleaching herself to look more light. However,these allegations can be as well taken as jealous friends who can't stand her present success and determined to ridicule her as much as they can.

A Facebook page Vee The Fake Kim K Wannabe allegedly opened by one of Vee friends who tells NE that they used to be prostitutes together before quiting to join more lucrative "business". The admin of the page says her main intention is to tell the world that Vera is a pretender and fooling the world. She insists that Vee used injections and bleaching agents something she refers to as "carolyte"

Vee who is a fine art student at Kenyatta University and 21 years of age as she puts it,has more than once rubbished off the allegations that she used any form of enhancements and that she is all natural.

Photos availed to Nairobi Exposed supposedly used to profile Vera during her days at a city massage parlor,Nairobi Secrets Parlor shows a rather thinner and darker version of Vee. Check out the photos below and judge

What are your thoughts on this
[File Photo]

34 year old man James Kariuki is alleged to have bitten his landlord's ear off when he went to collect the January rent. The 28 year old was going around as his routine collecting rent from his tenants.

"The deadline for paying rent here is 5th every month and one pays  through the bank,he didn't make the payment on time so when I went to enquire as to why,he brutally attacked me biting my ear off" said the rent collector to the police.

On his defence,James explained that he had just returned from his rural home in Gatundu and had promised to make the payment the following day. However according to him,the landlord didn't want to hear non of that and instead wanted to lock the door as its custom of those who don't meet the deadline,he then reacted violently biting off his ear.

The father of two now will have to pay for his action and the due rent as well. The injured after a first aid at a hospital in the area was referred to Kenyatta national hospital.

A Man In Kayole Bites Off The Landlord Ear When He Went To Collect Rent

[File Photo]

34 year old man James Kariuki is alleged to have bitten his landlord's ear off when he went to collect the January rent. The 28 year old was going around as his routine collecting rent from his tenants.

"The deadline for paying rent here is 5th every month and one pays  through the bank,he didn't make the payment on time so when I went to enquire as to why,he brutally attacked me biting my ear off" said the rent collector to the police.

On his defence,James explained that he had just returned from his rural home in Gatundu and had promised to make the payment the following day. However according to him,the landlord didn't want to hear non of that and instead wanted to lock the door as its custom of those who don't meet the deadline,he then reacted violently biting off his ear.

The father of two now will have to pay for his action and the due rent as well. The injured after a first aid at a hospital in the area was referred to Kenyatta national hospital.

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[File Photo]

For every choice there is a consequence. The government in a move to curb road accidents imposed a ban on night travels. At a time when people travel most,the move has affected people in many ways than one.

According to the directive,no bus is allowed on the road past 9pm and whichever point the time gets you,that means the end of it and journey is expected to halt and proceed next day. Long distance travellers like those from Mombasa to Busia are being forced at certain points to spend two days on the road. Passengers either have to sleep on the bus or find a hotel nearby to sleep and pick up on the journey the next day.

As fares goes up by triple the previous amounts,more trouble is brewing especially on the parents and school going kids who are now forced to spend more than expected. As NE establishes,many high school students with knowledge of spending days on the road are taking the advantage to engage on sexual affairs as well as drug abuse.

A bus that left Mombasa on Sunday and destined for Busia was forced to cut off the journey in Kisumu since the deadline time couldn't allow them to proceed. A student from Keveye girls who was amongst the many of students travelling to various schools across the western schools,had a "good samaritan" who was also amongst the passengers,she had complained to him about having asthma hence sleeping in the bus with all the cold could be hazardous to her. He then suggested to book her a hotel room to spend the night.

As things would later turn out,they ended up under same roof despite fact that they were strangers who met on the bus. He sexually assaulted her that night and it was the management of Villa guest house in Kisumu where they spent the night who came to her rescue.

The case was reported at the bus stage police post and suspect taken into custody. This is not an isolated case and apart from rape instances there could be willing students and preying people taking advantage of the night travel ban to engage in sexual activities in the name of "good samaritans".

Man Sexually Assaults School Girl After Offering Her Accommodation In Kisumu Following Night Travelling Ban

[File Photo]

For every choice there is a consequence. The government in a move to curb road accidents imposed a ban on night travels. At a time when people travel most,the move has affected people in many ways than one.

According to the directive,no bus is allowed on the road past 9pm and whichever point the time gets you,that means the end of it and journey is expected to halt and proceed next day. Long distance travellers like those from Mombasa to Busia are being forced at certain points to spend two days on the road. Passengers either have to sleep on the bus or find a hotel nearby to sleep and pick up on the journey the next day.

As fares goes up by triple the previous amounts,more trouble is brewing especially on the parents and school going kids who are now forced to spend more than expected. As NE establishes,many high school students with knowledge of spending days on the road are taking the advantage to engage on sexual affairs as well as drug abuse.

A bus that left Mombasa on Sunday and destined for Busia was forced to cut off the journey in Kisumu since the deadline time couldn't allow them to proceed. A student from Keveye girls who was amongst the many of students travelling to various schools across the western schools,had a "good samaritan" who was also amongst the passengers,she had complained to him about having asthma hence sleeping in the bus with all the cold could be hazardous to her. He then suggested to book her a hotel room to spend the night.

As things would later turn out,they ended up under same roof despite fact that they were strangers who met on the bus. He sexually assaulted her that night and it was the management of Villa guest house in Kisumu where they spent the night who came to her rescue.

The case was reported at the bus stage police post and suspect taken into custody. This is not an isolated case and apart from rape instances there could be willing students and preying people taking advantage of the night travel ban to engage in sexual activities in the name of "good samaritans".

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Monday, January 6, 2014

Three ODM MPs led by Hon. John Mbadi called out the president as a fast rising dictator who doesn't adhere to the law in making appointments. This was in reaction to the appointment of former presidential hopeful Abduba Dida.

While addressing a press conference,the MPs expressed their disgust at the president singling out the appointment of Dida as illegal and carried out with impunity,If the President was only interested in appointing a comedian to chair the CDF Board,he could have as well picked Mzee Ojwang. Does the President have legal advisors at state house?Why do they allow him to make illegal appointments like that" posed Mbadi.

His Rarieda constituency counterpart Hon. Gumbo was also in the same thoughts that the appointment of Dida did not follow the due process," Dida's qualification is that he provided comic relief in the last presidential campaigns. That doesn't qualify him to chair CDF Board" said Eng.Gumbo.

Hon.Diriye was on the opinion that Dida should turn down Uhuru's appointment as that will put him in a cat and rat battle with the parliament,"I advise my brother Dida not to take up the appointment.Why was he given 8 months yet the act provides for 3" said Hon. Diriye.

But was the due process followed for the president to give Dida the 9 month contract job to head the CDF,according to state corporations ,The President had no power 2 appoint CDF Board Chair - only the CS can do so and ONLY from Board Members approved by Parliament s5(4) of Act The State Corporations and again Act (Cap 446) gives the President sweeping powers in regards to Management of State Corporations and CDF Board is one.

Do you think the appointment was illegal,should the appointment be revoked and does Dida suit the job?

Three ODM MPs Calls Out President UHURU A Dictator And Insist DIDA Appointment As CDF Chair Illegal

Three ODM MPs led by Hon. John Mbadi called out the president as a fast rising dictator who doesn't adhere to the law in making appointments. This was in reaction to the appointment of former presidential hopeful Abduba Dida.

While addressing a press conference,the MPs expressed their disgust at the president singling out the appointment of Dida as illegal and carried out with impunity,If the President was only interested in appointing a comedian to chair the CDF Board,he could have as well picked Mzee Ojwang. Does the President have legal advisors at state house?Why do they allow him to make illegal appointments like that" posed Mbadi.

His Rarieda constituency counterpart Hon. Gumbo was also in the same thoughts that the appointment of Dida did not follow the due process," Dida's qualification is that he provided comic relief in the last presidential campaigns. That doesn't qualify him to chair CDF Board" said Eng.Gumbo.

Hon.Diriye was on the opinion that Dida should turn down Uhuru's appointment as that will put him in a cat and rat battle with the parliament,"I advise my brother Dida not to take up the appointment.Why was he given 8 months yet the act provides for 3" said Hon. Diriye.

But was the due process followed for the president to give Dida the 9 month contract job to head the CDF,according to state corporations ,The President had no power 2 appoint CDF Board Chair - only the CS can do so and ONLY from Board Members approved by Parliament s5(4) of Act The State Corporations and again Act (Cap 446) gives the President sweeping powers in regards to Management of State Corporations and CDF Board is one.

Do you think the appointment was illegal,should the appointment be revoked and does Dida suit the job?

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On 4th Jan,the 26 years of Roy Ogolla was sealed off when his body was lowered down his grave in his Alego Siaya home. However in the tradition of Luos giving the departed a celebrated send off,there was a night vigil after the body arrived from Nairobi.

He was accorded a major send off in Nairobi that literally brought town to a standstill,but that could be the start of a heroic send off to the young man whose influence became more eminent when he died. The the convoy ferrying the body were forced to make an impromptu stop at Kisumu where residents converged and demanded to be allowed to view the body for last respect. Thousands thronged Kisumu sports ground to view his body and later the journey proceeded to Siaya where his grave was awaiting.

Body arrived on 3rd and burial was due the next day,so the night vigil with thousands of Gor Mahia fans drawn countrywide was posed to have it's taste of ratchet moments. Music,popularly known as Disco Matanga kept people on their toes. Here's some of the fans getting jiggy with it.

According to the Luo community,such scenes are normal,during the night vigil which is often a cold ordeal to undergo,the disco matanga is used to keep people jiggy,dance night out and keep themselves warm and talking of dancing a man and a lady can't dance keeping a distance,there is a close decorum. Vigil is also a way of keeping the departed company and the sirkal crew did just that.

Photos: Ratchetness By GOR MAHIA Fans During Night Vigil At Late ROY OGOLLA Home

On 4th Jan,the 26 years of Roy Ogolla was sealed off when his body was lowered down his grave in his Alego Siaya home. However in the tradition of Luos giving the departed a celebrated send off,there was a night vigil after the body arrived from Nairobi.

He was accorded a major send off in Nairobi that literally brought town to a standstill,but that could be the start of a heroic send off to the young man whose influence became more eminent when he died. The the convoy ferrying the body were forced to make an impromptu stop at Kisumu where residents converged and demanded to be allowed to view the body for last respect. Thousands thronged Kisumu sports ground to view his body and later the journey proceeded to Siaya where his grave was awaiting.

Body arrived on 3rd and burial was due the next day,so the night vigil with thousands of Gor Mahia fans drawn countrywide was posed to have it's taste of ratchet moments. Music,popularly known as Disco Matanga kept people on their toes. Here's some of the fans getting jiggy with it.

According to the Luo community,such scenes are normal,during the night vigil which is often a cold ordeal to undergo,the disco matanga is used to keep people jiggy,dance night out and keep themselves warm and talking of dancing a man and a lady can't dance keeping a distance,there is a close decorum. Vigil is also a way of keeping the departed company and the sirkal crew did just that.