Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Police Officer Caught With A Phone Stolen From A Deceased In WESTGATE Attack

Samson Karanja Githinji a police officer in the city is currently held at the Kilimani Police station for being in possession of a stolen property.

He was caught with an iPhone 5s belonging to one of the perished people from the attack that was Westgate.

Curious family members on learning about the mass looting at the mall,they decided to do a trail of their loved ones phones with the help from CID officers who facilitated the tracking of the phone.

After three days of trailing,the phone was tracked and as it would later be found a police officer was in it's possession.

He remains in custody. This case comes at a time when businessmen from Westgate are asking key questions on who looted their premises as they count their losses.

A case in study is Fone Express which was fully stocked but after the attack,shelves were empty a clear indication that a major looting of phones and other electronics transpired.

The same system of agony reflects on all the stalls and shops in the mall including jewelery stores,banks safes were all looted.

The main question would be who did the looting,terrorists? Probably no,police? We already have on in custody,actually two,another one was arrested few days back over looting allegations.

Here is an after photo taken of fone express shop,the shelves clearly smashed and looted of all the phones.

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