Thursday, October 24, 2013

Kenyan Photojournalist BONIFACE MWANGI Attacks President UHURU Calling Him Commander In Thief

Thursday night the week's final episode of Jeff Koinange Live was literally set on fire and even his calls on recce squad to storm in couldn't help consume the fire. Boniface tore into Jubilee government calling them lot of thieves,he particularly took the president by his horns. Below is an excerpt of what he told the nation while tearing apart the president. •Uhuru is only rich just because his father stole, grabed and killed. •Mama Ngina is one of the richest woman in Africa but she never worked hard for her wealth, it was aquired to her threw the theft of her late husband. •Uhuru should go to Hague the more he avoids it the more he is showing the world that he is guilty. •Uhuru is not working to build Kenya he is just fighting for ICC and thats why Kenya is collapsing. •Uhuru is the commander in thief • He called out on Denis Itumbi -you are in charge of digital propaganda,parroting the president's agenda and demonising his critics. He was shockingly fearless as he took on the country's boss,at a point he said the probabilities of him getting shot because of his take on the president are high but he doesn't care and will continue criticising the president and standing for human rights. What's your take on Boniface's attack on Uhuru and were his points raised legit?
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